Saturday, August 27, 2005

i let a co-worker cry on the phone while she was layed up in the hospital.
she hated sitting still.

i loved her so much in that moment.
so crazed and angry at being human.
i made her laugh and
remembered a part of me that i thought had died.


he lives only in the center of any given storm.
he'll even start one if he has to.

but i suppose we all need purpose.
and weather is the next best thing to god.


this land is
too much for one person to hold in it's hand.
like a grain a sand trying to hold the beach.

just a land

but a land i've ruined with the
piss and shit of memory's accuracy.

roads and stories are each one
marked with fire, collapse,
and a naive heart

just a land

like europe or australia, or hell

but i'm just a dog
marking earth
so i know, if i return,
where i've been

thats the part about manifest destiny
no one ever mentions

go west young man
be dirty be young

and soil all the land with you

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Patrick Carrico's Long Lonely Winter- The Coat Room Soundtrack

email me at and I will ship it to you! The album is 13$ plus two bucks for shipping charges, which makes a total of 15$. Check or PayPal will work.
I know it's pricey in this day and age of illegal downloads, but this is a genuine 21 track album, put together with blood, sweat, tears, humor and, well, some drugs were involved I'm sure. To hear samples from the album visit and go to the soundtrack page. Patrick Carrico has begun work on his new album called "The Ambassador" featuring a song called "Blues on Meth". Government Records Inc. (...a fancy name for, well, me) is currently looking for distributors for both the Coat Room Soundtrack and Patrick's upcoming album, as well as lining up gigs around country- we're doin' it for the kids man. Buy the album! Support our troops.. er I mean Government Records. Ok, do both.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

in all seriousness i don't know who did those things.

those things i tell stories about.
she was drunk mostly
that girl whose life i led

carelessly and furiously
with death always calling like
the creditors

both just a beat behind her next move

now i rest. i sit on a couch and watch bad TV
and regret nothing.

the wanderlust bites.
the dreams and hunger bite harder.

so i rest. i breathe. i wake in the morning.
i get to work on time. i put reports on the bosses desk.

i scheme. i think "i should have been doing this all along."

that girl, her breathe has slowed. she is not dying or dead.
she is resting in some gas station parking lot
like an unrevved engine.

one day she and i will meet when i can afford her company.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


he is making room for me, it seems.
"i don't want to break anything" i think.
i've already knocked something over once and he quickly put it back.

he is accurate. furry and always funny.
i lose barretes in his couch cushions and wonder if his cat will ever take to me.
i wouldn't if i were her.
i'm innaccurate. if i played football i could only
run blitzes- orchestrated chaos.

he knows when it's appropriate to remove his shoes before
walking on someones carpet.
i know how to clean the heady mixture of blood, wine and
paint out of someones carpet.

but one night he stayed awake and whispered to me what he was
seeing in his mind as he drifted in and out of the edges of sleep,
knowing i was nowhere near it's paradise. postcards made of words
sent from a dream. i wish i could wrap them in a box and open them every night.
i'd never need sleeping pills again.

he speaks plainly of death but hesitates to elaborate on hurt.
i guess i do to.
maybe we lie a little since we don't discuss those broken parts.

But we're giving each other the gift of ignorance in these few moments we have left together
before we fall in love or never speak again.

menopause and martinis

Originally uploaded by night crawler.
i went to my moms friends 50th birthday party on saturday. it was somewhere on the eastside. it was the home of patty and eddie, eddie being the birthday boy and patty having the nickname "no underpants patty" which i think explains a lot without explaining anything at all. this was my first time meeting them after hearing a billion stories and they didnt disapoint. patty has an insanely shrill loud voice and once drunk began screaming the police's "roxanne" in her own dining room at a volume so deafening it felt like a fire engine was passing through the room. carol kalo, who hosts the poker night i've been to and posted pictures of here, showed up with her own shaker full of apple martinis and we all sat around the dining room table chain smoking and drinking kalo's booze. (pictured here). patty spilled her drink on her own carpet and told a story about saving a bag of special shaped ice cubes for 9 1/2 weeks style sex and when i asked kalo if she wanted a sausage from the grill she screamed "YES! but not that kind!". i was the only one not having a hot flash.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
ugh. the things i did to that hotel room. that bill will be fun to explain.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
the glory of being a star. psht. yeah right.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
me and jfg in the lobby beforehand.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
we finally got the guts up to watch the last of the film during the second showing- jason made us buy beer and we kept cracking them in the back while we all sat against the wall and listened to people laugh... such a surreal moment. i kept trying to figure out what they were laughing at. but it was us. they liked it... the mikey's liked it.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
this is jason gilbert- director of the coat room. all these photos were taken at the first showing of our feature length independent film in philadelphia this past weekend. i've posted a few photos but there are more i'll get to as soon as i figure out what the #$@& is going on with my computer. the showing got very positive feedback and we even sold a few soundtracks- enough that we could eat for the two more days we had left in that shell of a city. visit the coat room link to the left to read what people said about the film (it should be up there in a day or two).


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
striped plain and plaid. three irish boys all in a row. patrick trevor and matt.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
the front of the theatre before the second showing.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
chris keener. we went to high school together stragnely enough, and he ended up playing the part of nick- a womanizing, coke snorting wannabe artist. needless to say he's a good actor.


Originally uploaded by night crawler.
patrick managed to get a picture of me making the same face i can only assume i made the entire time we filmed the damn thing. patrick is the bright spot to the left and jason is on the right. this is us in the elevator on the way up to the theatre before the first showing. i'd given patrick my camera and was already yelling at him not to take stupid pictures.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Dear Ms. Jessica

Jessica Pressler Review's The Coat Room. Link is posted to the right. Who publicly admits to liking Malibu's Most Wanted? Apparently editors do. Anyway, she gave us prime real estate in the paper so I suppose I can't bitch too much.