Sunday, December 11, 2005


yes it has been quite some time since i've made any blog posts, but lets face it people, sometimes other things come first, like health, love, my career, yadda yadda yadda. the big news on my end is that i am moving far far far away from cleveland ohio. so i'm sorry NEObloggers but you might be compelled to remove my name from your blogger list. unless you feel i'm just that amazing you still want to lay claim to me...
i'm moving to portland oregon for several reasons, including the western i will be directing there in the spring, and the record label that i am launching. and also there is a lovely man there that i can't get enough of.
i've been really busy the last few months at work- so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have any last minute holiday shopping to do, visit and give the joint a boost in sales...
and also giggle at some of my absurd copy. it really is a cool company and they've been great to me so i don't care about giving them a shameless plug.

so as of the first of the year i will be a portlander. god help me. or should i say, god save the sandwich shops that carry bean sprouts but no mayonnaise. i'm not even that big of a mayonnaise fan but i may have to start carrying a jar with me wherever i go just so i can eat a normal sandwich. i've already started joking about how i can't wait to give directions in portland "yeah, make a right at the cafe, go past the thai restaurant, make a left at the cafe, go past the next 3 cafe's, make a right at the thai restuarant and a left at the cafe and it will be on the right side between the thai restuarant and the cafe." it's funny because it's true.

so cleveland- i shall miss great lakes beer, bumpy roads, the sunset over downtown, mitzi's, becky'sand ghoulardi's bars. the ruebens are pretty good too.

it's been real.