Thursday, June 16, 2005


The rejection notices are piling up lately. i'm thinking i should start a special file. in the past two months i've received them from a museum, two galleries, three production companies, two theatres, a major network, and an individual or two. mostly in email form, but a few bothered to send a real live letter in case i didn't believe them the first time or mistook failure for spam. it's a lot of failure to keep track of, so mostly i don't bother. however since i've gotten several in the past few weeks it feels a little more absurd and less personal. case in point- in searching my big black pseudo briefcase bag for my keys or a cigarette i find the letter from the museum telling me pretty much straight out that i wasn't selected to for their emerging artist series for the sheer fact that this was the FIRST year I had applied for it. in other words, "kiss our ass and beg for a few more years and then we'll think about it." i've got better things to do. i've decided to take the stance of the problem child in regards to this whole issue- i've simply accepted rejection as a form of negative attention. maybe i'll start making art and proposing tv shows i know are shit just to get rejected- although with my luck i will end up like The Producers if i go that route. i shouldn't be so glib since i do have one or two situations which may pan out in the next few months, but the rejection notices have me properly objective about the future. if you think about it one could wade through a life filled with prestigious rejections "the Pulitzer prize committee regrets to inform you..."
i could get used to that.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by jumper cables.
right after i took this photo i walked past a bar where a newly returned soldier stood outside talking to old friends.

poker ladies

Originally uploaded by jumper cables.
i no longer have the proper soci al life of a 25 year old urbanite. this is my mom's poker night which i have taken to attending on random friday nights to drink carols good whiskey and eat her cream puffs and either win or lose 4 million quarters from the motley crew of women my mother associates herself with. i have an audio tape of them all (many italian) at my mom's birthday dinner which i am considering turning into a "this american life", but i fear it's too x-rated. please note the paint color chips on the table.


Originally uploaded by jumper cables.

development in the rain

development in the rain
Originally uploaded by jumper cables.


Originally uploaded by jumper cables.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

no more whoring to the public

sorry george, the sale has ended. i've got some elites checking my work out so the public auction is, at least temporarily, paused. if there is anything in particular anyone is interested in or has questions about let me know. i have a rather twistable arm.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

this just in

hallelujah. ok, so in the past few weeks i came dangerously close to losing my mind, BUT i'm much better now, and soon you will find more pictures and paintings popping up here and not so much obnoxious selfindulgent ranting. i'm trying to reign in the vampiric behavior that has dominated the past month of my life and doing my best to get up before 1 (ok, lets be honest, 3...) in the afternoon, and maybe actually let the summer sunlight hit my face and be productive during the hours of the day when the rest of the world operates as well. in short, stay tuned.